How to help your child with low grades?

When your child scores  poorly  on tests, the immediate reaction of many parents is to punish them regardless of other factors. However, the way to deal with the bad grades of our children is a warning that their study habits must be changed, and keep in mind that children need motivation and support.

The arrival of poor academic results is an experience that many families have to live at some point. The way to deal with it has to take into account how your child feels and the reasons that may have caused poor grades. Addressing the issue is not an easy task, but it is essential to know how to deal with it so that your child is not discouraged and wants to want to change the results.

The first step is to understand that it is a shared responsibility between parents and children. What do you want to teach your child: feel like a failure or learn from experience and come out stronger?

The simple thing is to blame him, however, the appropriate thing is to create a solid communication bridge with him, that is what summer vacations can be used for: reflecting on what has been done so far, identifying the habits to consolidate and the skills to develop. 

Poor grades are an indicator that schools give you to know the status of your child.
- Personal maturation

- Emotional conflicts

- Learning problems

- Little effort capacity

- Few skills of learning to learn

How to help child with low grades?

 The best way to deal with poor grades with your child is with good communication

You should talk to your child carefully about the issue and involve him in the problem so that he becomes involved in the search for solutions, since it is also a very positive aspect for his future. The important thing in these cases is to keep in mind that it is a problem that has a solution and that you must work on it to improve it and that it does not happen again.

Therefore, parents are the first to communicate to their children that poor grades can be overcome and make them understand that, with effort and dedication, they can improve.

8 points to correct bad grades

1- Do not pressure your child . For the creation of learning is generated, it is necessary for the learner to enjoy and, therefore, have the desire to learn.

2- Investigate the reasons for poor grades . Behind bad grades there is some kind of conflict: immaturity, problems of various kinds that act directly on them. 

3- Help him developing study techniques . Help him organize his time, tasks, etc. 

4- Arouse interest in the study through content that catches your attention. 

5- Prepare a study plan . In this way you can organize their learning during vacation periods. 

6- Explain the importance of study .  

7- Help him define goals and encourage him to meet them . For a child as for an adult, having goals will always help to increase their level of commitment.

8- Reinforce your achievements .

As parents we must believe in our children's ability and have confidence in them to know that they can improve grades. If you make negative evaluations of the type "you do not learn, it is useless to study" we will not be helping them to improve the problem. You must face your children's grades positively and constructively and heltp them improve with proper guidance.

9. Consider One-On-One Lessons With a  Tutor

If your child is struggling in a particular subject, they may need additional instruction. Talk to your child’s teacher to see if they can work with your child outside of class. One-on-one instruction means the teacher can tailor how they explain the material to your child’s way of thinking and help them understand it better. Private Tutors Toronto , group of experienced tutors are here to help you. 

Bad Grades Do Not Define a Child

If you notice your child is getting poor grades in one or two subjects, they could benefit from a tutor. classinsession offers flexible online tutoring and in-person tutoring sessions for all subjects. Find a location to get started!


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